Persona 5: The Phantom X is the fifth installment for Android devices of the legendary Persona saga with a similar premise to the original game: accompany a group of Phantom Thieves as they combine their school life with the awakening of their Personas.
Persona 5: The Phantom X stays true to the visual style of Persona 5 but adapts it to Android devices for better performance, all without losing the spirit of the original game. Part of the premise may sound familiar: the protagonist is a young high school student who wakes up his Persona and is accompanied by an owl who also acts as a guide. In Persona 5: The Phantom X, you'll have to collect different Personas in order to transform into them and defeat all the enemies you confront with your team.
While it's a free game, it also has some in-app purchases, mainly for materials that speed up the game's pace.
The action in Persona 5: The Phantom X is divided between day and night. During the day, you'll have to attend classes and do all kinds of activities, such as play sports or meet up with friends in the city. You'll have to manage your time wisely to attend what interests you most. On the other hand, at night, you'll gain access to another world filled with palaces that you can break into in order to find rewards and new Personas.
Persona 5: The Phantom X offers you a new adventure in a familiar world. Immerse yourself in this place full of desires and action.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.1 or higher required
Pls let me play the game
bug with the application impossible to progress from the beginning of the game
Why does an error occur while fighting? For example, while fighting, instead of being in the battlefield, the fight occurs in space between planets and causes a malfunction. Why is this happening?
I hope we don't have to wait many years for the English version to come out...
The verification code never arrives via SMS.
wish I could play... pls help. it asks me for an ID number every time I click start and i can't play it i really wanna play it pls help.